Linked below was my first attempt at a remix of SRC’s perfect song “Mad Again.” I don’t think it’s quite as successful as my Bounce remix that ultimately wound up being on the official digital release, but I do like it enough to share with y’all. The idea is fairly similar in that I sampled “Automan” and there’s a Bounce breakdown near the end of the song, but aesthetically, this is quite a bit different from my Bounce remix. For one, it’s much more obviously House inspired with the four on the floor drums and the reverbed House piano that adds the melody on top of the twirling “Automan” synth. It also just feels a whole lot different in mood and uses significantly more of the acapella. The Bounce remix is hard, aggressive, and energetic, while this has a bit more of a smooth and melancholy feel. I do really like the Bounce breakdown in this, but I also think Diplo was wise to advise me to get rid of the pianos and make a full on Bounce song out of it. That being said, I think this song is interesting in its own right and would love to hear some thoughts.
South Rakkas Crew “Mad Again (Emynd’s More on the Floor Remix):
Once again, purchase my New Orleans Bounce remix of “Mad Again” at Turntablelab right here: COP IT!
DJs, if you’re too broke or don’t want to SUPPORT THE MOVEMENT WITH YOUR $$$, hit me up on the myspace and I’ll get you an MP3.
[…] Deep Theme” * South Rakkas Crew “Mad Again” (Emynd’s NOLA Bounce Remix) * South Rakkas Crew “Mad Again” (Emynd’s More On the Floor Remix) * Flo-Rida “Get Low” (Emynd’s Passion Remix) * Emynd “Sexual Healing […]